Excerpts from our success stories
Search & Generate
Data extraction in seconds
Pull data from any source
Point & Click
Modular process automation
Bundle all channels
All AI Models
on One Platform.
Gain access to the latest AI models – whether they're closed-source, open-source, or our proprietary developments. Together, we'll pinpoint the perfect model for your specific needs.
Manual tasks automated with AI
Extract Information
AI enables instant content analysis without prior training: With just one click, all key information is extracted and summarized in seconds. Automated tagging facilitates later document retrieval and information validation.
Email Composition
Crafting precise email responses in customer service, tailored to all company-specific guidelines, using AI in accordance with service regulations.
PDF Filler
A workflow where AI automatically fills out PDF forms by accessing existing internal data. Simply upload the necessary data, and the AI will create accurately and efficiently filled documents.
B4Y Copilots for Every Employee
Boost your team's productivity with AI assistants that precisely analyze all internal and external data. This powerful tool enables your employees to swiftly retrieve and generate context-specific information from extensive databases – in exactly the format they need for task completion. The B4Y Copilot accelerates information access, optimizes workflows, and creates significant efficiency gains across departments.
Breathtaking AI experience - tailored to your workplace.
Unlock the full potential of AI without compromising on data sovereignty. With our cutting-edge data masking and content filtering technologies, we ensure that your sensitive business data remains protected when using third-party AI models.
Data Masking & Content Filtering
We enable automatic obfuscation of sensitive data, including personal details and corporate internal information. Our customizable content filters reliably prevent the unintentional disclosure of confidential information.
model-agnostic & on-premises
Avoid dependency on single providers. Simply provide the API key of your preferred LLM provider, and Bots4You will handle the rest. We offer our solutions both as cloud-based services and hosting options on your own local servers.
Trusted AI with our 'AI Management System'
Intuitive No-Code-Platform
Take control of your multimodal AI solutions and efficiently manage your AI outputs. It serves as a central pivot point, enabling you to effectively control and optimize the output of your AI models
User-Friendly Interface
Thanks to its user-friendly interface, you can effortlessly adjust settings, review content, and monitor the performance of your AI models - all without any programming knowledge.
Control and Customization Options
Our platform offers you extensive control and customization options for all types of AI output.
With bots4you, you always maintain control over your virtual assistants and ensure that your AI delivers exactly what your business needs.